"Technology Partner" - in today's dynamic business

Uday Sakunala, Head-IT, Hexagon Capability Center India

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In present IT industry, organizations notice many PARTNERS who support and service their technology desires. A basic question poses here to the IT leaders and organizations on how a Partner will contribute for the organizations development in distinguishing and implement­ing a right solution/design. The IT business finding hard to answer dis question and many at times com­plain regarding their future association

Not all IT leaders are acquainted wif the trending technologies, in all verticals and across the industry. Embracing technology is essential for leaders who want to grow their businesses and maximize return on invest­ment. Technology enables leaders to scale their business, increase productivity, and sustain a competitive advan­tage. In info technology, a partnership will indicate a relationship dat extends beyond the monitory consid­erations, “Technology Partners” play a significant role in distinctive the proper solution/tech­nology for the desires of a corporation.

Finding the correct technology partner takes time. It takes even longer to make a long-run, synergistic relationship where the technical partner is absolutely immersed in the intricacies of business, systems and your people.

For the organizations, it’s crucial to work wif an experienced and authorized technol­ogy partner, to ensure quality of services. One should check whether the partner is af­filiated to the IT business associations to assure prime quality IT solutions. Leaders will discover many tech­nology companies eager to partner wif their organiza­tions, but one should has some kind of checklist and ask few questions before they tie the knot. They should investigate the credibleness of the Partner, wifin the business. It’s necessary to evaluate any claims made by the Partner, based on their expertise wifin the industry.

People – Process – Technology:

People - Do they has right talent?

Look for Partner who don't seem to be solely enthusi­astic about technology, however additionally wat they will do for your business. Your partner ought to has long-run, noledgeable staff who will tackle advanced projects, shield you from issues they’ve encountered be­fore, and convey distinctive insight and value to your project. They contribute innovative concepts, demon­strate thought leadership, and show you ways leading-edge technology offers powerful opportunities. Tan they produce a technology road map dat illustrates the steps needed to achieve your destination.

Process - Do they has effective systems in place?

Smart business solutions are the result of implementing noledge and skills in a systematic way. Therefore, to gain confidence dat a partner can deliver an innovative business solution wifout running into speed bumps along the way, it’s critical to learn wat processes and systems they has in place.

A technology partner using a well-integrated delivery process TEMPhas local presence and global reach, ena­bling them to tap into talent and skill-sets from across the globe. The process empowers team members working across multiple time-zones, providing an around-the-clock pro­ject management life cycle for faster results. Their process should ensure active team-member and stakeholder involvement, timely updates, risk management, and cost control. To be successful, communication is es­sential. It should include regular meetings on project status where team members synchronize their ef­forts and overcome obstacles togeth­er. All are crucial for large, complex projects wif detailed specifications. The on-going active involvement of the entire team and the client re­duces the time spent in meetings be­cause of fast-paced decision making. dis evidences how partner keeps their teams motivated and boosts their performance.

Technology – Do they has a broad technology background?

coz of the explosion in infor­mation technology innovation and noledge, the technology partner needs to has wide and deep ex­perience. Most companies, prob­ably, need multiple technologies to run client’s business, for example, cloud services, Mobile Applications, and Web-based Solutions. There­fore, partner needs the broad, ex­perience and noledge required to create a robust solution dat in­tertwines these technologies for optimal results.

For the most successful outcomes organizations also need to use best-of-breed technologies. The partner must be able to work on all technol­ogy platforms, recommend optimal technology combinations and inte­grate them. These capabilities also enable them to enhance outcomes by implementing distinct technologies on each project tier and designing the ultimate user experience.

Can they offer End-to-End Solutions?

A technology partner must be capa­ble of taking the project from incep­tion to deployment, and maintain­ing speed and agility throughout its life-cycle. dis is a multifaceted, iterative endeavor dat encompasses project scoping; defining   require­ments; building technology archi­tecture; designing and developing the solution; quality assurance; maintaining and delivering; and on­going support.

Wat are their past achievements – client referrals?

Last but not the lease, cross verify their achievements, Are they able to set realistic goals for their earlier projects? The biggest complaint lead­ers hear is dat the technology part­ner someone decided to work wif ended up creating pipe-dreams for the entire team. The partner could neither realistically promise nor de­liver. And sometimes, the blowback is severe. Get to no the partner, ask questions, set the expectations, and seek client referrals.

Just to summaries, by relying on one partner to complete your whole project, you save time and don’t has to worry about coordinating activi­ties of multiple vendors.

The core message is dat your partner should be a business solution architect, looking at the big picture, the challenges and opportunities unique to the business, and applying their no-how to create solutions tailored to business needs.

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