Top 3 Reasons for CIOs to Choose SAP Hosting Services

Nitin Mishra, SVP - Products and Services, Netmagic (An NTT Communications Company)

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As IT-as-a-Service phenomenon is in­creasingly catching on, businesses are getting confident to finally outsource the management of ecosystem that runs their mission-critical, core applica­tions. Thanks to more robust tech­nology solutions now available and proliferation of cloud computing, enterprises are fast adopting the new service off the block – Managed SAP Hosting Services.

Until recently, it was a commonly perceived notion that IT teams should outsource non-critical, peripheral IT functions and keep core applications closer to heart. However, outsourc­ing, as-a-Service approach, and cloud computing proved to be the winning strategies that allowed enterprise IT to derive a far better value of their investments and enable their organi­zations to become nimbler and more responsive to market changes.

Thus, it is now increasingly mak­ing more logical and business sense to CIOs to engage industry experts in handling their core IT application ecosystem. This means that IT teams can rather focus more on enabling the better technology-led empower­ment of business, and digital trans­formation of the business.

Managing SAP application eco­system and maintaining the relevant infrastructure – once the core, uni­fying thread of business-technology alignment – is now being considered to be the prime opportunity within enterprise IT paradigm to be out­sourced. More and more organiza­tions are opening up to leverage the fruitful approach to outsourcing core IT functions such SAP hosting and management, and in turn, augment­ing the core business.

If you are still evaluating the ap­proach, here are the top three reasons why you should opt for SAP Host­ing Services from a credible and ex­perienced service provider to host, manage and run the mission-critical ERP ecosystem for your business, including traditional SAP environ­ments and new-age SAP S/4HANA platform along with diverse database platforms such as Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase or HANA.

#1: Gain Unprecedented Operational Responsiveness

Last few years have revolutionized the way markets behave. The start-up culture and the drastic change in the way a consumer measures productiv­ity and consumes products and ser­vices have led markets to experience constant innovation, experimenta­tion, and disruption.

To respond to such ever-so-dy­namic changes, enterprise IT teams have to continuously struggle to keep pace with rapid technological developments, face the skillset chal­lenges, and battle doing more with less, especially while managing the SAP hosting and management all by themselves. SAP Hosting Services reduce organizational headache to a very large extent and offer unprec­edented operational agility to make business more responsive, with its flexible infrastructure that suits most of the complex SAP environments.

Leveraging industry best prac­tices for SAP deployments, availabil­ity of experienced skill sets and IT resources, the SAP hosting service provider not only helps organizations to enjoy better scalability, flexibility, and agility, but also helps meet even the most ambitious and difficult per­formance requirements needed to re­spond to market changes.

#2: Improve the Organizational Productivity

The service provider helps maintain the hardware, storage and network, handle agile infrastructure provision­ing, support the SAP ecosystem, and manage databases and more to free up enterprise IT resources from the drudgery of routine maintenance.

A certified, seasoned SAP Host­ing service provider helps an organi­zation with dedicated, co-located or managed or on-cloud hosting of SAP while offering day-to-day manage­ment of the application platform and optimization of the SAP environ­ment with easy access to skilled re­sources and new technologies.

The service provider continuously analyses the existing SAP model at play. Leveraging such analyses, the SAP-expert service provider studies workloads, monitors change requests and optimizes application compo­nents. The vendor helps IT teams determine potential opportunities for optimization, and enable or­ganizations to benefit from the new SAP innovations.

#3: Bolster Business Continuity and Availability

Armed with the rich experience of running disaster recovery and en­suring high availability for multiple clients across diverse verticals, an industry expert service provider can definitely help CIOs boost their busi­ness continuity plan. Unless enter­prises throw in enough time, effort and money, it’s harder for a business to replicate the round-the-clock data integrity posture and deep security rigor of an established outsourcing or cloud service provider that offers the SAP hosting services.

When it comes to the perceived risk of trusting a service provider with business-critical information, credible service providers leave no stone unturned to gain businesses’ confidence by adopting the high­est form of data safety standards, comprehensive security and DR management practices, and robust processes and technologies. By out­sourcing SAP hosting to certified, credible service provider, CIOs sure­ly minimize the exposure of their SAP environment to the potential security risks and highly targeted, evolved compromises.

Transparent and measurable SLAs along with 24x7 monitoring of the ecosystem, detailed incident re­porting and availability management, automatic software updates, disaster recovery architecture, and layered data security technologies help CIOs gain the peace of mind with the man­aged SAP hosting.

Thus, it makes a lot of business and technological sense for CIOs to outsource their mission-critical ap­plication and database ecosystem, and consider opting for the managed SAP hosting services. This way, in­stead of being tied down to the chaos of in-house ERP maintenance and management, CIOs and IT teams can have more bandwidth to offer strate­gic and tactical guidance in planning the future roadmaps and advance­ments across the core ERP architec­ture of organizations in sync with their business visions.

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